tues went for shooting for Tp Rawks.i shoot for the games outdoors near the netball court there. hehe saw zhen wei and amanda at one of the station involving some tile game..They were the gamemasters..It was quite fun but too sunny that day.. almost dehydrated lor.. and my skin got darker again..sob sob.. Took some grp photos for the Tp rawkers too=) Their happy faces made me recall the Tp rawks i attended 2 years ago wif jasmine, and not forgetting nora and emily who came for the next day too.. if not for Tp rawks, i won choose all courses from Tp.. Tp rawks was FANTASTIC!! make a lot of good new frens there.. and i love my Tp rawks leader.. of course, the best part of Tp rawks was of course the mass dance, chicken dance, and Tp song=D haha=) Those tp rawkers so cuteeee see camera will start to pose different faces hehe!! lata we went back to cyber center and change to the cannon shirt.. took some grp photos too.. that day was tiring bt very happy=)